Risk Review
Our team of consultants have worked in various sectors including oil and gas, public sector, banking, intelligence, law enforcement and anti-corruption in senior leaderships positions. Our team have worked on high value and complex, loss prevention, procurement fraud and corruption cases in many regions of the world.
Our investigation and audit experience and expertise is backed up by continual analysis of current financial crime methodologies that allows us to quickly understand and respond to client reports of illicit conduct.
This capability is backed up by diverse expertise including supply chain and quality assurance professionals that assess and identify root cause analysis in procedural and process risk.

Root cause analysis and impact that an investigation may have on an organisation is always a key consideration when assessing the initial information or allegation. An investigation plan that outlines executive reporting routes and administative support is essential to expedite investigations and secure confidentiality.
In addition to joining the dots of any audit, review or investigation it is essential that contiguous with an investigation the team also document the root cause of any illicit behaviour and control failures and outline the immediate course of action to strengthen the risk mitigation framework currently in place.